Friday, March 19, 2010

Cool as shit.

I'm playing this every single time I DJ from now on.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Podcast - Pastry F

YO! Yeah, this thing hasn't been updated in over two weeks, sorry if this is something you check regularly (and what is wrong with you?). I have moved back to Belfast for a few months so don't really know what form the blog will take while I'm away, but I'll figure it out. It has been a good fortnight back though, got to see Xiu Xiu and U.S. Girls but both were pretty disappointing...

What is most definitely not disappointing though is the March podcast, courtesy of the very lovely and tall Pastry F, a.k.a. Alex from experimentalists ii. This mix is beautifully warm and fuzzy with several gems I hadn't heard in there. I recommend listening late at night, baking and baked.

Pastry F Deformacast

james ferraro - clear #1
poland - sure
julee cruise - into the night
nora dean - angie la la
oval - episonik
lucky dragons - open melody
the shocking pinks - the narrator
virgo - take me higher
tom tom club - l'éléphant
minimum chips - marble arch
harmonia - sonnenschein
france gall - poupée de cire, poupée de son
the motels - total control
ii - good times bad luck
four tet - angel echoes
wally badarou - endless race

Thanks Alex, see you soon.